Is your skin super sensitive for chemicals? Are you scared of using various products to remove your sunburn? But home remedies are time-consuming, right? However, not to worry, the alternative choice is to buy chamomile tea bags! Yes, chamomile consists of numerous healing properties which can effectively combat a sunburn. Now, if you are wondering exactly how to apply the tea, here are a few tips for you.
Various Ways to Treat Sunburn with Chamomile Tea
Using Tea Bags: This procedure is the best for small areas of sunburn. So, first buy chamomile tea bags and then in boiled water add the tea bags in it. After 15-20 minutes, take them out and apply the bags to those affected areas. Repeat this process a few times throughout the day and your burnt areas will vanish.
Bathing in Tea: Now, what to do if the sunburnt area is a lot to cover with tea bags? This is what you are going to do for bigger surface areas. Boil water and add around six chamomile tea bags in it. Keep them for twenty minutes and then infuse the solution in your bath water. Use the water for bathing. It is quite a simple process! You have to repeat this twice a day unless the sunburn areas are cured.
Tea Treatment: If you wish every day that why the area looks burnt and not tanned, this is the treatment for you! To turn your burn into a cool tan, follow these steps. Boil five or six chamomile tea bags in a pot of water for a few minutes. After turning down the flame, let it cool down. Soak a piece of cloth in it and apply it on the burnt area. Keep it like that for around thirty minutes and then, remove it. Repeat this process twice or thrice a day unless they portray results.
Charms of Iced Tea: Let’s see what iced tea can do! Firstly, start with brewing four cups of chamomile tea. Refrigerate the tea unless it turns into ice. Once done, take the cubes and wrap them with a cloth. Place the same on the sunburnt areas for around twenty minutes. Now, repeat this process on a daily basis.
Steeped Tea: Boil a cup of water and add chamomile tea in it. Let it be for a few minutes and then, turn down the flame. Once it is cooled down, apply it to the burnt areas using a cotton ball. Reapply the solution constantly and repeat this process at least once a day.
How can Tea Remove Sunburn?
Teas have antioxidants, epigallocatechin, polyphenols, tannins and lastly, theobromine in them. These help the skin heal and acts as an anti-inflammatory. They reduce the reddish tone of the burnt skin by removing the heat and the catechins repair them within a short period.
(Posted in “Chamomile Tea”)